by Dr. Nawab Ahmad | May 17, 2020 | Whats New
NOTE: To first or only know what Surah and Ayah really mean, please read the subject matter under the 1st and 4th subtitles, that is: Meaning of Surah as the Qur’anic Structural Term as well as Meaning of Ayah as the Qur’anic Structural Term. Meaning of...
by Dr. Nawab Ahmad | May 17, 2020 | Whats New
It is ironic that a substantial number of educated Muslims (their number is increasing with time) believe that the Qur’an contains chapters and verses. To them, chapter is equal in meaning to Surah (suːrɑː), and verse is the same as Ayah (ɑːyɑː). For example, a...
by Dr. Nawab Ahmad | Apr 7, 2020 | Whats New
This critique, written by Dr. Nawab Ahmad, was sent to Dawn on March 4, but was not published because the newspaper is liberal. Re: An article titled “An Unequal Partnership” was published in...
by Dr. Nawab Ahmad | Apr 7, 2020 | Whats New
The Controversy in Brief The stand of the Council of Islamic Ideology, Pakistan, is that giving irreversible divorce at the first occasion of separation (i.e. pronouncing divorce three times) is a punishable offense because it is against the Qur’an, and...
by Dr. Nawab Ahmad | Apr 7, 2020 | Whats New
A reduced Urdu version of this article, written by Dr. Nawab Ahmad, was published in Jasarat (Pakistan) on Nov 8,9,10 of 2019. For years the Council of Islamic Ideology, Pakistan, has been recommending instant three divorces be punishable. This creates the...
by Dr. Nawab Ahmad | Jul 17, 2018 | Whats New
Quranists claim: (i) The Qur’an describes things in DETAIL, and therefore, it is alone enough for guidance. (ii) The Prophet conveyed, practiced and taught only the Qur’an and not an iota besides it. (iii) Hadith or Sunnah are unrequired in Islam,...